
Describe the differences among short term, medium term and long term sheduling?


Short-term scheduler is invoked very frequently (milliseconds) ⇒ (must be fast)”

Long-term scheduler is invoked very infrequently (seconds, minutes) ⇒ (may be slow)”


Describe the actions taken by a kernel to switch between processes?


the system must save the state of the old process and load the saved state for the new process via a context switch.




Explain the role of the init process on unix and linux system in regard to process termination?


init is the parent of all processes. Its primary role is to create processes from a script stored in the file /etc/inittab.

init is the first process started during booting of the computer system


Including the initial parent process, how many process are created by the program shown in Figure 3.31?

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>

int main() {
	int i;
  for ( i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++ ) {
  return 0;


1+4+3+2+1 = 11




Using the program in Figure 3.29, identify the values of pid at lines A, B, C and D. (Assume that the actual pids of the parent and child are 2600 and 2603, respectively.)

#include <sys/types.h> 
#include <stdio.h> 
#include <unistd.h> 
int main () 
    /* fork a child process */ 
    pid = fork(); 
    if ( pid < 0 ) { /*error occurred 
        fprintf(stderr, “Fork Failed”); 
        return 1; 
    else if (pid ==0) { /* child process */ 
        pid1 = getpid(); 
        printf(“child: pid = %d” ,pid); /* A */ 
        printf(“child: pid1 = %d” ,pid1); /* B */ 
    else { /* parent process */ 
        pid1 = getpid(); 
        printf(“parent: pid = %d” ,pid); /* C */ 
        printf(“parent: pid1 = %d” ,pid1); /* D */ 
    return 0; 


A: 0, B: 2603, C: 2603, D: 2600



Give an example of a situation in which ordinary pipes are more suitable than named pipes and an example of a situation in which named pipes are more suitable than ordinary pipes?


ordinary pipes:

ordinary pipes require parent-child relationship between communicating processes.

ordinary pipes are unidirectional (producer-consumer style).

named pipes:

No parent-child relationship is necessary between the communicating processes.

named pipes is bidirectional.


Consider the RPC mechanism. Describe the undesirable circumstances that could arise from not enforcing either the “at most once” or “exactly once” semantics. Describe possible uses for a mechanism that had neither of these guarantees.


If an RPC mechanism could not support either the “at most once” or “at least once” semantics, then the RPC server cannot guarantee that a remote procedure will not be invoked multiple occurrences. Consider if a remote procedure were withdrawing money from a bank account on a system that did not support these semantics. It is possible that a single invocation of the remote procedure might lead to multiple withdrawals on the server. For a system to support either of these semantics generally requires the server maintain some form of client state such as the timestamp.

If a system were unable to support either of these semantics, then such a system could only safely provide remote procedures that do not alter data or provide time-sensitive results. Using our bank account as an example, we certainly require “at most once” or “at least once” semantics for performing a withdrawal (or deposit!) However, an inquiry into an account balance or other account information such as name, address, etc. does not require these semantics




Line X : 0, -1, -2, -3, -4 Line Y : 0, 1, 2, 3, 4


What are the benefits and the disadvantages of each of the following? Consider both the system level and the programmer level.

a. Synchronous and asynchronous communication


A benefit of synchronous communication is that it allows a rendezvous between the sender and receiver. A disadvantage of a blocking send is that a rendezvous may not be required and the message could be delivered asynchronously. As a result, message-passing systems often provide both forms of synchronization.

Synchronous => blocking

asynchronous => nonblocking

b. Automatic and explicit buffering


Automatic buffering provides a queue with indefinite length, thus ensuring the sender will never have to block while waiting to copy a message. There are no specifications on how automatic buffering will be provided; one scheme may reserve sufficiently large memory where much of the memory is wasted. Explicit buffering specifies how large the buffer is. In this situation, the sender may be blocked while waiting for available space in the queue. However, it is less likely that memory will be wasted with explicit buffering.

c. Send by copy and send by reference


Send by copy does not allow the receiver to alter the state of the parameter. Send by reference does allow it.

A benefit of send by reference is that it allows the programmer to write a distributed version of a centralized application. Java’s RMI provides both; however, passing a parameter by reference requires declaring the parameter as a remote object as well.

d. Fixed-sized and variable-sized messages


The implications of this are mostly related to buffering issues; with fixed-size messages, a buffer with a specific size can hold a known number of messages. The number of variable-sized messages that can be held by such a buffer is unknown.




1. 不要把工程師當「得來速」,隨便點餐。



你跟他講你有什麼問題,有一定能力以上的人可以很快就幫你想想出正確的 workround。甚至還親手幫你做好。

切忌逼他寫你心目中想要的程式,他只會覺得你智障然後繼續回去打 diablo。

2. 不要沒把解決手段想清楚就把問題扔給他

有的時候,那個問題不是純工程角度 workround 可以解的。而是必須從實體角度去切入,程式去輔助自動化。你必須先想清楚,實體你打算怎麼做。

「我想上網開店賺大錢」這種 request 你丟給他。他會直接永久靜音你的 FB 對話。

不要以為他是蠢。工程師在問題出現前 8 個小時前就可以看到問題,三秒鐘就可以判斷到底要不要做。人家聰明的很。後知後覺的是你。

3. 不要跟他講什麼「應該很簡單」

「應該很簡單」只有「Senior Developer」才可以跟 「Developer」講的。其他人沒資格講。

你應該要跟 Developer 說,這個問題有一點挑戰,你不知道找誰。


4. 請他吃高級燒肉

我還沒遇過工程師不喜歡吃燒肉的。吃燒肉友誼點數大概可以灌 3 倍速度。

p.s 轉自 鄭@@ 的 fb近況

音樂教育的價值 (TEDxSydney - Richard Gill - The Value of Music Education)

TEDxSydney - Richard Gill - The Value of Music Education

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