Iris Hsu : [準備心得] Google Taiwan Anita Borg Scholarship
這是關於一位朋友在 Google Taiwan Anita Borg Scholarship 的準備心得,覺得是非常寶貴的經歷過程和經驗分享,而事實上她也是個大名人囉,RockResume 部落格也曾在 學業與專業成績都非常優異的 Iris Hsu, NCU CSIE 談論過她,特別在此記錄。
Iris Hsu : [準備心得] Google Taiwan Anita Borg Scholarship
這是關於一位朋友在 Google Taiwan Anita Borg Scholarship 的準備心得,覺得是非常寶貴的經歷過程和經驗分享,而事實上她也是個大名人囉,RockResume 部落格也曾在 學業與專業成績都非常優異的 Iris Hsu, NCU CSIE 談論過她,特別在此記錄。
配合 2014 年 FIFA 世界盃足球賽,來點相關的內容 XD
The (un)official World Cup API
Structured data gives you the power to ask interesting questions. Quick want to find out which team has scored the most goals? Or which player? Wondering who are the youngest players participating in the cup? What about the nicknames of the entire Brazilian team? We also have historical data for each player so you can look up who’s coming in with the most regular season goals or alternatively, the most red cards. What questions do you have?
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對了,最重要的是它是一個 open source CoffeeScript project :)
github : codecombat/codecombat