恩,話說會認識這位歌手是因為一個 wargame 的關卡,這個關卡在每次 refresh 網頁的時候就會出現不同 Elton 的歌

Sixty Years On All Across the Havens Blue Eyes All Quiet on the Western Front I Don’t Wanna Go on with You Like That Shooting Star …

重點是這關卡了我非常多的時間 orz,解法非常的 tricky,終於 GET 到了答案頁時,出現的答案卻是:

The answer is not here! Just look a little harder.

結果最後的密碼就是 “not here” 兩個單字,有種被玩弄的感覺 ==



Elton John

John Scherer - Quit Your Job and Find Your Work

{ The story of The Dragon Lady }

Go for “tov”

If you leave and another name goes in that box, the music will be different.

Tov is when what you’re doing is a full expression of who you are at the core of your being.

Every day that you go to work, just ask yourself, “What’s the lesson here? What is this for me?” Instead of saying, “I wonder why this happened to me?”

Kitra Cahana: My father, locked in his body but soaring free

Few of us will ever have to face physical limitations to the degree that my father has, but we will all have moments of paralysis in our lives.

I know I frequently confront walls that feel completely unscalable, but my father insists that there are no dead ends.

Instead, he invites me into his space of co-healing to give the very best of myself, and for him to give the very best of himself to me.

Speaker: Clayton Cameron

