
implement one-vs-all logistic regression and neural networks to recognize hand-written digits.

  • Plot Data (in ex3data1.mat)


  • Training One-vs-All Logistic Regression

hypothesis function: 1./(1+e.^(-1(Xtheta)))

K = 10 (0 to 9)

Iteration: 50

  • Predict for One-Vs-All


implement a neural network to recognize handwritten digits using the same training set as before.

provided with a set of network parameters (Θ(1),Θ(2)) already trained (in ex3weights.mat)

  • Feedforward Propagation and Prediction

Loading Saved Neural Network Parameters in ex3weights.mat

Standord Machine Learning Class: Week7 Assignment

## ex6.m> you will be using support vector machines (SVMs) with various example 2D datasets.- Plot Data (in ex6data1.mat)![ex6_plotting_e...… Continue reading