原本想安裝在 Windows,不過過程實在是太不順利了,最後還是依照網路上的一篇教學文,安裝在 Ubuntu 14.04 上,只差在它是用虛擬機,我是用實機安裝。

教學文如下, BVLC/caffe Ubuntu 14.04 VirtualBox VM

This is a guide to setting up Caffe in a 14.04 virtual machine with CUDA 6.5 and the system Python for getting started with examples and PyCaffe.


  • Modify python/classify.py to add the –print_results option

這一步需要自己稍微修改一下 code ,那麼我就分享在 gist 上囉 [custom classify.py in BVLC/caffe: /python/classify.py](https://gist.github.com/Kai-Yu-Huang/6ae7ac4c496c6c4c18f9)

Standord Machine Learning Class: Week7 Assignment

## ex6.m> you will be using support vector machines (SVMs) with various example 2D datasets.- Plot Data (in ex6data1.mat)![ex6_plotting_e...… Continue reading