Install docker in Arch 1. Search image or Create a Base Image

Note: Base Image

Search image

: sudo docker search


sudo docker search arch

sudo docker pull base/arch

sudo docker run base/arch echo "Hello World!"

Tip: The command docker run takes a minimum of two arguments: 1) an image name, and 2) the command you want to execute within that image.

登入 image

sudo docker run -i -t base/arch /bin/bash

登出 image

# exit

Note: Unlike VMs, containers don’t need to boot up or shut down the whole OS. Unless you’re running a process in it, your container isn’t taking up any resources apart from some disk space. Once our bash process has finished, your container is closed.


sudo docker commit 85eed1376ab3 centos:LAMP

Create a Base Image

Standord Machine Learning Class: Week7 Assignment

## ex6.m> you will be using support vector machines (SVMs) with various example 2D datasets.- Plot Data (in ex6data1.mat)![ex6_plotting_e...… Continue reading