For two points p and q in the plane, we say that p dominates q if both x and y coordinates of p are greater than that of q respectively. Given a set S of n points, the rank of a point p in S is the number of points in S dominated by p. We want to find the rank of every point in S. A naïve algorithm needs O(n^2) time. Design a faster algorithm for this problem.


The first line of input contains a single positive integer ( < 20 ), the number of test cases. Each test case starts with a line containing a single integer n, the number of points in the plane. This line is followed by n lines, indicates the x and y coordinates for each points, p1, p2… pn. No integer in the input is greater than 224 or less than 0.


The output of each cases contain n lines, the rank of p1, p2… pn. Cases are separated by a single blank line.

Sample input:



1 1

2 2

3 3

Sample output: 





#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>

using namespace std;

struct Points {
    int x;
    int y;
    int rank;

struct Cases {
    int point_nums;
    Points* pointInfo;
    int* sortedArray;

int getPointX(Points* pointInfo, int index) { return pointInfo[index].x; }
int getPointY(Points* pointInfo, int index) { return pointInfo[index].y; }

void mergeX(Points* pointInfo, int size1, int size2, int* sortedArray) {
    int size = size1 + size2;
    int* temp = (int*)malloc(size * sizeof(int));
    int ptr1=0, ptr2=0;

    // sort x : min to max
    while ( (ptr1+ptr2) < size ) {
        if ( (ptr1 < size1 && ptr2 >= size2) || (ptr1 < size1 && getPointX(pointInfo, sortedArray[ptr1]) < getPointX(pointInfo, sortedArray[size1+ptr2])) ) {
            temp[ptr1+ptr2] = sortedArray[ptr1++];
        } else if ( (ptr2 < size2 && ptr1 >= size1) || (ptr2 < size2 && getPointX(pointInfo, sortedArray[size1+ptr2]) < getPointX(pointInfo, sortedArray[ptr1])) ) {
            temp[ptr1+ptr2] = sortedArray[size1 + ptr2++];
        } else if ( getPointX(pointInfo, sortedArray[ptr1]) == getPointX(pointInfo, sortedArray[size1+ptr2]) ) {
            if ( getPointY(pointInfo, sortedArray[ptr1]) < getPointY(pointInfo, sortedArray[size1+ptr2]) ) {
                temp[ptr1+ptr2] = sortedArray[size1 + ptr2++];
            } else {
                temp[ptr1+ptr2] = sortedArray[ptr1++];
    for ( int i = 0 ; i < size1+size2 ; i++ ) sortedArray[i] = temp[i];


void mergeYandSetRank(Points* pointInfo, int size1, int size2, int* sortedArray) {
    int size = size1 + size2;
    int* temp = (int*)malloc(size * sizeof(int));
    int ptr1=0, ptr2=0;

    // [Merge sort] sort y : max to min
    while ( ptr1+ptr2 < size1+size2 ) {
        if ( (ptr1 < size1 && ptr2 >= size2) || (ptr1 < size1 && getPointY(pointInfo, sortedArray[ptr1]) >= getPointY(pointInfo, sortedArray[size1+ptr2])) ) {
            temp[ptr1+ptr2] = sortedArray[ptr1++];
        }else if ( (ptr2 < size2 && ptr1 >= size1) || (ptr2 < size2 && getPointY(pointInfo, sortedArray[size1+ptr2]) > getPointY(pointInfo, sortedArray[ptr1])) ) {
            // set rank
            if ( ptr1+ptr2 < size1+ptr2 ) pointInfo[sortedArray[size1+ptr2]].rank += (size1+ptr2) - (ptr1+ptr2);

            temp[ptr1+ptr2] = sortedArray[size1 + ptr2++];

    for ( int i = 0 ; i < size1+size2; i++ ) sortedArray[i] = temp[i];


void mergeSortX(Points* pointInfo, int* sortedArray, int size) {
    if ( size == 1 ) return;  

    int size1 = size / 2, size2 = size - size1;

    mergeSortX(pointInfo, sortedArray, size1);
    mergeSortX(pointInfo, sortedArray+size1, size2);
    mergeX(pointInfo, size1, size2, sortedArray);

void mergeSortYandSetRank(Points* pointInfo, int* sortedArray, int size) {
    if ( size == 1 ) return;  

    int size1 = size / 2, size2 = size - size1;

    mergeSortYandSetRank(pointInfo, sortedArray, size1);
    mergeSortYandSetRank(pointInfo, sortedArray+size1, size2);
    mergeYandSetRank(pointInfo, size1, size2, sortedArray);

void printRank(Points* pointInfo, int size) {
    for ( int i = 0 ; i < size ; i++ ) cout << pointInfo[i].rank << endl;

int main() {
    int testCase;
    Cases* cases;

    cin >> testCase;

    cases = (Cases*)malloc(testCase * sizeof(Cases));

    for ( int i = 0 ; i < testCase ; i++ ) {
        cin >> cases[i].point_nums;

        cases[i].pointInfo = (Points*)malloc(cases[i].point_nums * sizeof(Points));
        cases[i].sortedArray = (int*)malloc(cases[i].point_nums * sizeof(int));

        for ( int j = 0 ; j < cases[i].point_nums ; j++ ) {
            cin >> cases[i].pointInfo[j].x >> cases[i].pointInfo[j].y;
            cases[i].pointInfo[j].rank = 0;
            cases[i].sortedArray[j] = j;

    for ( int i = 0 ; i < testCase ; i++ ) {
        mergeSortX(cases[i].pointInfo, cases[i].sortedArray, cases[i].point_nums);
        mergeSortYandSetRank(cases[i].pointInfo, cases[i].sortedArray, cases[i].point_nums);

        printRank(cases[i].pointInfo, cases[i].point_nums);
        if ( i != testCase-1 ) {
            cout << endl;


    return 0;

Standord Machine Learning Class: Week7 Assignment

## ex6.m> you will be using support vector machines (SVMs) with various example 2D datasets.- Plot Data (in ex6data1.mat)![ex6_plotting_e...… Continue reading